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Guideline for PRESENTER

Stand-Up Presentation

  • Presentation file format:  Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or up (A projector and a notebook book computer will be available in each session room)

  • Time: 15-20 minutes Presentation + 5 minutes Q&A

  • Presenters are expected to save their presentation file on the computer before the session starts.

  • In addition, all presenters should prepare a short bio (200 words or less) to be given to the moderator at the session. 

Poster Presentation

  • Poster Pane Sizel: 1m (width) x 1.8m (Height)

  • Please make sure you have attached your poster on board before your poster session starts (Schedule of poster session will be available from the conference program booklet)

  • Presenters are required to be standing by their poster for Q&A

TiP Session Presentation

  • Presentation file format:  Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or up (A projector and a notebook book computer will be available in each session room)

  • Time: 15-20 minutes Presentation + 5 minutes Commentation, Q&A

  • Presenters are expected to save their presentation file on the computer before the session starts.

  • In addition, all presenters should prepare a short bio (200 words or less) to be given to the moderator at the session. 

Certificate of Participation

  • Certificates of participation for authors will be available from the Conference Website. The link will be available during the conference. 

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